
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sane by just a strand....

Have you ever thought how far you are from being "crazy"? All you need is the state to deem you unfit to take care of yourself, and your ass can be locked up in an asylum super quick.. Just something to think about.. We've all had crazy moments. Moments when we feel unsure, or even unstable. Think of how insignificant that tiny little voice in the head is when it says; "don't do it..." If its size could be measured, how big do you think that voice would be? Its probably pretty small. Which in turn is pretty HUGE. Where is this going? I don't really know. Just know that you are less than the width of a human hair from completely snapping and losing your "brain cookies" everyday. Knowing this, helps to keep you grounded appreciative. I had a friend who one day had a seizure and forgot everything that had happened to her over the course of a year and some change. What would you do if you lost a year and some change? Go just a "little" crazy you think? Respect the mind. Its nothing to take for granted, even though we all do.


  1. Yo...You know what happened to me at FAM. I seriously went verifiably insane. I was paranoid, delirious, and obsessed with perfect murder plots. When I was actually confronted with the opportunity to exact my revenge, I couldn't go through with it.

    I think I realized in that instant that I am not crazy, I am not evil, and I am not a bad person and how horrible it would have been to let that person not only affect me in that situation, but affect my own actions? Hell nah. I would have really gone crazy if I was still locked up somewhere for compounding on a bad thing instead of standing up and being glad that I walked away from it.

    All in all, I love your post because I think I can attest to the fact that yes, you can snap, but you can also come back. Back to reality, sanity, truth, self. It may take a lot of patience or just a well timed light bulb moment, but it's probably ok to go a little bit crazy sometimes.

    What's pushing you to the edge? I say, don't give whatever's shoving you that kind of power or that kind of credit. You ok?

  2. One of the V-Day plays, Any One of Us, is basically about this... more from a standpoint of abuse pushing a person over the edge - it illustrated how any one of us could be that person... because as a 'sane' person, you don't really know what that THING could be to push you in the wrong direction... I do know this: terrible things happen in our world every day. Most people are lucky to be able to live a somewhat normal life with the awful things the average person witnesses or goes through personally.

    I know I've had to talk myself out of doing "crazy" things... and sometimes, it has been a loooong conversation.
